Native Plugins

Any Cordova plugin can be used with Corber - as Corber is an abstraction on top of Cordova.

Cordova has a large ecosystem of plugins which provide JavaScript proxies to device APIs and components or simply add functionality, such as the Phonegap Push Plugin and cordova-plugin-file. A large repository of plugins can be searched on the cordova plugin repository.

Plugins can be installed with corber plugin add $PLUGIN_NAME. Plugin information will automatically be stored in your project’s config.xml and package.json files.

When cloning to a new machine, developers should run corber prepare. Similar to running npm install, this will install all saved plugins and platforms onto their machine.

Only Use Plugins in the Mobile Container

With rare exeception, Cordova plugins only work in mobile containers - their APIs do not resolve in web environemnts. Often you will want to re-use your JavaScript code for a web-based PWA and a native mobile/corber application. In these situations, one must be careful to not call device APIs unavailable in a web/PWA environment.

As a general rule, we suggest developers abstract any plugin calls to a service - or your framework’s equivalent. The service should first check to see if it is running in a Cordova environment before making any calls. As an example

export default Ember.Service.Extend({
  isApp: false,

  init() {
    if (window.Cordova) {
      this.set('isApp', true);

  unsafePluginCall() {
    if (this.get('isApp') === false) {
      return Promise.reject();
    } else {
      //make unsafe call