Extending Frameworks


When you run corber init, Corber will create a framework configuration file located at corber/config/framework.js. This file contains the JavaScript framework-specific hooks that Corber will execute in order to validate, build, and serve your app.

These hooks are:

  • validateBuild
  • build
  • validateServe
  • serve

Corber comes packaged with base implementations for Ember, Vue, and React, but you can write your own to support the framework of your choice.

Build pipeline

A typical build command executes the following steps:

  1. Run “before” hooks.
  2. Run framework validateBuild function (e.g. check Ember config).
  3. Run target validateBuild function (checks Cordova config).
  4. Run framework build.
  5. Copy the assets to the Cordova project.
  6. Build the Cordova project.
  7. Run “after” validators.
  8. Run “after” hooks.

Overriding base framework hooks

You can customize one of the base framework implementations (e.g. Ember, React, Vue, etc.) by overriding one or more hooks in framework.js. This is a convenient way to implement custom build processes.

When extending hooks, you can:

  • Call this._super() to run the base function, or
  • Choose to not invoke the base function.

For example,

// corber/config/framework.js
module.exports = EmberFramework.extend({
  validateBuild() {

Creating a custom framework.js for your own framework

So long as framework.js implements the four hooks validateBuild, validateServe, build, and serve, Corber is compatible with any framework you choose.

Hard requirements

For any Corber app to work, your application’s rootURL must not have a leading slash.

Usage with webpack

Corber should work with any webpack app. Reading the React implementation for an example.

You may also want to use the corber-webpack-plugin for live reload. Read the react for more details.