Icons & Splashscreens
The corber make-icons
and corber make-splashes
commands generate all required icons and splashes for your added platforms from a single SVG. This is powered by a separate library called splicon.
By default, Corber detects which platforms (e.g. ios) you have installed and only generates assets for those platforms. Platform & icon source are configurable as documented in the cli.
Icon Generation
Place an icon.svg file at corber/icon.svg
and run corber make-icons
. By default, icons for added platforms will be resized and injected.
To specify a platform, use the --platform
corber make-icons --platform ios
The source SVG should be a square of any size.
Splash Generation
Place a splash.svg file at corber/splash.svg
and run corber make-splashes
. By default, splashes for added platforms will be resized and injected.
o specify a platform, use the --platform
corber make-splashes --platform ios
Unlike icons, the variance of splash file is larger. You likely want to download the following splash SVG template. The source SVG should have a background filling the entire area, and icons / text should be kept to the ‘safe area’ box.
Splash Screen Best Practices
1: Configure your config.xml to set AutoHideSplashScreen to false. This means that once booted, Cordova will not automatically hide your splash screen.
Placed in corber/cordova/config.xml
<preference name="AutoHideSplashScreen" value="false"/>
2: Manually hide the splash screen after your JavaScript App has booted. Ember users can leverage the corber-splash service to hide the splashscreen in the afterModel hook.
// app/routes/application.js
import Ember from 'ember';
const {
inject: { service }
} = Ember;
export default Route.extend({
splashScreenService: service('ember-cordova/splash'),
afterModel() {
// ...